Thursday, November 29, 2012

Long time no see

I apologize for being off the grid for a few weeks, my ambitions of a weekly vlog are currently on hold due to my complete lack of skill with video editing and the limited power of windows movie maker.  So now the old fashioned text is coming back, yeah!
No canned pumpkin here in Spain!
Most of the time that I havent written was filled with illness, rain, and school.  There had been some really atypical weather here and it had rained every day without reprieve for over two weeks culminating last Saturday in over 100 liters /m2.  Most of Malaga was flooded, my family and I had planned to go to the Picasso museum, but instead I got a glimpse of Venice because the only vehicles going down the street were gondolas.  My grandmothers were both in the hospital (they are now home and recuperating slowly but surely) and I in good Christine fashion have been testing out every Spanish virus that comes along, and the  specialty of the month is fevers.
Turned out pretty good!
This past week though was a return to "normal" exchange life, we celebrated Thanksgiving in Marbella.  I went up the night before to start the cooking and cooked through all of Thursday at Nina's house, the other exchangettes came after school to finish things up, and that night we took everything to a restaurant (which reminds me of a country club clubhouse, with a pool and everything.)  All of our tutors came as well as next years district governor and we had a great night.

Whoo my first Turkey!!

The view after our hike!

Meeting the locals
Then in a total departure from good American tradition on black friday we went to Gibratler, England and strolled around, bonded with the wildlife, got our exercise in for the year with a hike, and generally had a good time speaking English.