Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Preparations to leave

Note: I know that its been awhile since my last post, admittedly this one was mostly written a couple weeks ago but a certain anonymous member of my family derailed the final touches and posting of it.  I received my visa just before this was supposed to post, and my travel arrangements soon followed.

My latest exchange adventure started when I went to Chicago for my visa application appointment.  It was the first time I had spent an appreciable time in the city so I was pretty excited.  In preparation for this app.  my family had compiled countless official documents and the designated number of copies.  I was nervous about my app. thinking I was about to be grilled by an official that was going to decide whether or not I was fit to be an exchange student.  This was not the case the entire Visa process culminated in one five minute encounter with an unbelievably nice girl sitting behind what looked like a teller window.  Leaving the office I wasn't sure that I had really applied for my visa, I had a very strange "that seemed to easy" feeling.

The rest of the day my parents and I toured Chicago walking from the embassy to the Cloud Gate in Millennium Park to Buckingham Fountain to the Shed Aquarium and finally to the Sears (Willis) Tower.  We actually travelled up to the 103rd floor and had a great view of all of Chicago.

Currently I am finishing up my packing and organizing all my music onto my new phone and computer.  I said goodbye to many of my family and friends already, now I am just waiting and doing some housekeeping before my flight tommorow at noon.  After a few layovers and a jaunt through Francis de Gaulle in Paris I should arrive in Malaga Thursday, Sept. 6th at 1 pm local time.

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