Monday, October 15, 2012

Jaen Part 2: Quiero estar aqui siempre

I gave up on the catchy three things in a title, cant do it with this.  Anyway chicos, fasten your seeatbelts and don't close this tab because the second half of my great weekend starts right now.

My day(like the day before it) started with what has become a fabulous rarity while here in Spain, I did not hit my head on anything when I got up.  My bed here is something that must be smaller than a twin, and a bunk bed with an unfortunately placed ladder, which means that every morning I probably wake the whole house with a bang.  After another delicious breakfast and some packing up we ventured to out to the countryside.  Which, in this part of Spain means one of my absolute favorite things, the mountains.  As we were climbing up the mountain my aunt pointed to one of the little purple flowers I had been secretly admiring and said, "Do you know these are?"

I had to say no, but the first thing that popped into my head was, a flower, not sure if that's because of my limited vocabulary or if even in Spain my natural powers of stating the obvious occasionally come through.

Its saffron, I never knew spices could be so pretty.  Everything about this day was beautiful, and nothing I can tell you would do it justice.  We continued our march up the mountain, and once we had all settled in and were enjoying the view my aunt asked if I liked mountains, my Dad who loves to use really obvious sarcasm in situations like this replied, "Noooo, she hates them," we all had a really good laugh.  After I turned to my mom and said, "Yeah this is horrible, because its so wonderful here I am never going to want to go home."
My uncle, emulating the
spirit of the Corps of discovery 

After our hike down we enjoyed a picnic lunch on the ruins of castle, then went to a nearby town to enjoy a cup of coffee, and headed home back to the land of school and civilization.

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